June 16th, 2023
Authors: Amina Khalpey, PhD, Kirtana Roopan, Zain Khalpey, MD, PhD, FACS
Machine learning tools in healthcare are rapidly gaining popularity as a means of improving accuracy and efficiency in diagnosing and predicting diseases, including…
Cognitive Bias with AI Posts
April 24th, 2023
Authors: Brynne Rozell DO, Jessa Deckwa BS, and Zain Khalpey, MD, PhD We at Khalpey AI Lab are working to advance and improve the use of AI technologies in healthcare. We believe strongly that artificial intelligence is an important tool…
April 6th, 2023
Authors: Amina Khalpey, PhD, Ezekiel Mendoza, BS, Jessa Deckwa, BS, Brynne Rozell, BS, Parker Wilson, BS, Zain Khalpey, MD, PhD, FACS Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly prevalent in healthcare, with the…