Author Archives for admin

A Framework for the Development of Artificial Intelligence as a Co-Pilot in the Cardiac Operating Room

December 29, 2022 11:58 pm Published by Comments Off on A Framework for the Development of Artificial Intelligence as a Co-Pilot in the Cardiac Operating Room

The cardiothoracic operating room (OR) is a critical environment that involves many dynamics which impact the healthcare delivery process on multiple levels including clinical outcomes, costs, and patient safety. Within the operating room is a massive amount of continuous inflow of data for the surgeon to assess, such as multiple arterial lines, ECG waveforms, oxygenation [...]

Harnessing Artificial Intelligence in the ICU

November 17, 2022 11:03 pm Published by Comments Off on Harnessing Artificial Intelligence in the ICU

The medical decision making process is one that relies heavily on the incorporation of various data to accurately diagnose and to effectively treat a patient. As technology continues to evolve, so has the amount of data available for the clinician to use in the medical decision making process. In order to consolidate important variables that [...]